These are real strange times...
(click on the image to see a larger version of it)
(1) The way I remember it, "you were either with us or you were against us", and anyone who supported the terrorist was "with them" and deserved to be bombed back into the stone age. So, we attacked the Taliban in Afghanistan because they were protecting Bin Laden. Yeah! So there, take that you bad guys!
However, somehow, for some strange reason, the authorities forgot to mention the connections between the terrorists and Saudi Arabia. So, to clarify the subject here's a link to The 28 Pages that were classified from the 911 Report, clarifies the subject. For an audio narrative of the of the happenings here's a link to a good program.
(2) There were no Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq. Thoroughly documented. Here's a Bill Moyers report about it, The Lies we Believed.
(3) The content of Hillary's disclosed e-mails reveal the real motives for the Libyan intervention. Nothing to do with saving lives from the "Qaddafi monster".
(4) The assertion that Assad gassed his own people has been thoroughly debunked. For a thorough report of the event check Prof. Postol review. It was a false flag attack in order to get the US to bomb Syria. And yet, the "authorities" keep talking as if it is a set fact that "Assad did it!" WHY is that?
We've been lied into war after war for many, many years now. I could have started the above cartoon story with the Vietnam war, or World War II, or oven WWI. We've been lied into war time after time and yet, we keep believing those that urge us to support these murderous actions.
When are we going to stop believing them? What is the matter with us? Why are we so blind? What will it take for use to just say NO!?
We are not a "lump on a log". We could have an influence in the course of this "Ship of State", IF we come together. But we NEED the Truth! And it is hard to know who to believe in this sea of lies, "perception management", and right out propaganda. We have an Existential Question of Whom to Trust? We need to do our own research for the facts, for the truth. It is out there. We can find it. It just takes a lot of work... and time. But it is vital.
Pass the word.