Wednesday, August 23, 2017

First Annual 9/11 Activist Summit

 (click on the drawing to see a higher definition image)

Yes, we can safely say that 9/11/2001 was the point of departure on a new trajectory for our nation and the world.  Since that fateful day, we seem to be in a constant decent into insanity.  Like we are in a feverish delirium induced by some mysterious and deadly pathogen, that is tearing our social flesh apart, creating horrible visions of pain and suffering.

We can see the effects of this ailment all around us, but it is difficult to see the source of it.  This pathogen is very clever, resourceful and almost omnipotent, keeping us constantly in a state of fear, and distracted with an unending stream of lies, distortions. and misinformation.

However, it is not immune to the disinfectant function of the light of truth, and some day, hopefully in the very near future, when enough people have been inoculated with the only true medicine for this nefarious creature, truth and common sense, this nightmare will come to an end.

For a good dose of truth serum, NewsBud has organized a webinar with some of the top truth tellers on the day before the 16 anniversary of this "2nd Pearl Harbor":

Become strong with the latest information.  This conspiracy fact must be exposed far and wide, as it makes up the foundation of most of the problems we are facing.

Pass the word.


Tuesday, August 8, 2017

A New ERA - 2017

#UNRIG is promoting an idea that I believe it's time has come.

It is called the Electoral Reform Act of 2017. I think that if it's 12 points were to be implemented it would allow us to have a government that would work for us, the way it's supposed to be.  That would work for the people.  Like it was for the original Americas.  The ones who taught the European newcomers, the intelligent ones, how they could live in peace with in a group of tribes.

When the Europeans landed in the Norther parts of the American continent, they arrived in the land of a the Iroquois Confederacy, 6 nations that had been living in peace and harmony for over 200 years already.  There were over a million (?) people that lived in a prosperous land, with no poverty, no police force, and no jails. They are the ones that taught the Europeans how the could become strong if they united, the 13 colonies, into one nation.   (For an excellent introduction to this subject check out this book The Forgotten Founders)

The new Electoral Reform Act of 2017 calls for 12 points that need to be implemented.   I believe that if these changes were implemented we could have one of those governments. The one that works for the people, that is, it has integrity to it’s purpose.

Here are the points (click on the image for a larger version):

Since the election integrity is the most important factor in our Republic, there is… Voting System.

There are several other points. Check them out at #UNRIG.

Cynthia McKinney and Robert Steele are touring the country promoting these changes with all factions of the political spectrum. I believe these changes would give us the possibility of having a government with integrity, of the people, by the people and for the people. Like it was meant to be.

I know it seems impossible. You may say: “The powers that be are not going to give up their privileges just like that, with no violent suppression on their part.”

In the past I would have agreed, but we are now in a new era, or Baktun, as the Mayas called it, and what was previously impossible is now happening before our eyes. You can see it all around.

Become active.

Pass the word
