Friday, September 22, 2017

Can we just get along?

(click on image to view a larger version)
When the Europeans landed in the Norther parts of the American continent, they arrived in a land populated by many different Indian nations.  Because of their strategic location between the English and French settlers, the Iroquois Confederacya 5 tribe group organization that had been living in peace and harmony for over 200 years already, the Iroquois became well know and respected by English government officials.  There were around 5,500 people that lived in a prosperous land, with no poverty, no police force, and no jails. They are the ones that taught the Europeans how they could become strong if they united, the 13 colonies, into one nation.  Benjamin Franklin and other Founding Fathers of our republic were inspired by the Iroquois form of government.   (For an excellent introduction to this subject check out this free online book The Forgotten Founders)

This is the first page of a series exploring this forgotten story.  Perhaps we can still learn something relevant to our troubled times from this ancient culture.

Please let me know your thoughts in the comments below and subscribe if you see fit.



Monday, September 4, 2017

16th Anniversary is upon us!

16 years since that event took place, and I am amazed at how many people still believe the fairy tale the officials gave us!  "They attacked us because they hate our freedoms!"  JEEEZZUS!!!  This is right out of a comic book reality.  If that were right, the terrorists would be very happy now, since we've been steadily loosing all those freedoms since them.  And all through lies, or, as it's called now a days, Fake News.

Because we, as a society, did not demand the truth, and were comforted by inane lies and entertaining distractions, we are now confronted by a social structure in disarray, with some even calling for a new civil war.

But that, as well as the fraudulent "War on Terror", is a manufactured event, designed, promoted, and maintained by those who would profit from it.

However, we the people, have much more that unites us than divides us, with similar needs and desires, and we can find that out if we follow what is true, what can be documented and verified.  What we perceive to be the truth, not what we are told to believe.

Below are sources for several good healthy portions of this truth:
  • Wednesday, September 6, 2017, at 8:00 PM Eastern: Dr. Leroy Hulsey, speaking from the University of Alaska Fairbanks’ Schaibel Auditorium, will present the findings and conclusions detailed in his team’s September 2017 Progress Report, which will be issued the same day. The University of Alaska Fairbanks’ webstream site is momentarily down, but more info can be found in UAF’s event post.

  • Friday, September 8, 2017, at 6:30 PM Eastern: Richard Gage will be speaking and screening our newest documentary, Stand for the Truth, at the event “From 9/11 Truth to 9/11 Justice” at New York City’s Foley Square.

  • Monday, September 11, 2017 at 1:00 PM Eastern: Bob McIlvaine, Peter Ketcham, and Richard Gage will announce the “Bobby McIlvaine World Trade Center Investigation Act” at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. Later that day and the following day, we will hand-deliver the Bobby McIlvaine package to all 535 members of Congress. Visit the Press Club’s website for more info.

  • Monday, September 11, 2017 at 7:00 PM Eastern: Richard Gage and Peter Michael Ketcham will be participating in the “9/11 Truth Seekers Panel” at the Holiday Inn Rossyln Key Bridge near Washington, D.C.

  • Monday, September 11, 2017 from 3:00 PM to 10:00 Pacific: AE911Truth’s latest documentary, Stand for the Truth, will be screened at the “9/11 Truth Film Festival: Why 9/11 Truth Still Matters” in Oakland, CA.
These, together with the other events I've mentioned before, First Annual 9/11 Activist Summit, and A New ERA - 2017 (#UNRIG), gives me hope be happy and optimistic.  This could be a very good time for healing, to start healing process, for righting the disastrous and ominous course the ship of State has taken.  But we'll need to move, to act, and make a difference.

Lets go forward then, in peace and with optimism.

