Sunday, August 10, 2014

We all are one

In my last post I tried to show what I believe is a viable way to tackle the problems we have on Earth from a pretty esoteric point of view, so it's not likely that many will be able to understand and/or believe what I said.  

A while ago, my very good friend Viktor Vos and I recorded a piece of music that I think explains very well where my views come from.  It's a short 4:31 minutes video.  If you can, close your eyes and see if you can find the "spot".  If you were to persist, eventually, you'll find it.  You'll need to train your Ego to stay quiet for a while (all that chattering going on in there)  When you find it, you'll see/feel a very pleasant "place". 

Enjoy it.

We all are one



Thursday, August 7, 2014


A few days back, my daughter abraded me for sending the previous messages about the Ukraine war promotion situation.  Even though I talked about peace at the end of the messages, she complained that they, my messages, did not bring peace into her heart by their reading.

Well...  I suppose my messages would bring as much peace to you as a medical report informing you that you test positive for a malignant tumor would.  Because that is what Humanity's Body has.  A malignant tumor that has been growing for quite some time now, and it has the potential of destroying us all, if left unattended.  I'm sure we can all see it, sense it, feel it.

But my intention for sending these messages to you is not to participate in some Fear-Porn-Fest like many other reports/articles do, but to suggest a viable solution to the situation.

Let me explain... While studying the Vipassana Meditation method, the reputed original and not-altered meditation method taught by the Buddha himself, we learn to focus our attention on the breath.  Only on the breath.  In.  Out.  In.  Out.  For hours we focus on our breath while sitting in the lotus position.  Well, after a few minutes on that position, supposedly motionless, one begins to get all sorts of pains.  In your knees, your back, neck, and so forth.  It is impossible to focus only on your breath with all those distractions.  You try to ignore the pain.  You try to push it away, to bare it, to deny it, and so forth, with no success at all.  In fact it seemed to get worse the more you try it.  There is just NO way of sitting still for one hour at a time.  And yet, the more advanced meditators, sitting around the teacher, could do it just fine.  Sitting there motionless, straight, and serene.  Every day we did 5 or so 1 hour meditation periods, each getting worse in our ability to sit still and concentrate on our breath.  Until the third day (It was a 7 day course) when we were told the secret to get rid of the various pains.

And the secret is...  simply LOOK at it.  Just look at the area of discomfort.  Without judgement.  Not trying to get rid of it.  Not wanting it to go away.  Just look at it.  With "total equanimity" as Mr. Goinga said (the organizer of the Vipassana program)  And sure enough, the pains/discomforts go away.  Then you can sit there, motionless, comfortably, and concentrate on your breath for hours on end.  Then you can focus on what the real goal of meditation is, becoming aware, feel, the energy being produced by every single cell of your body (my interpretation).  When we become aware, conscious, of the energy emanating from every cell in our body, we can feel Nirvana...  Ecstasy...  The Bliss of Knowing as "advertised" by previous Avatars.

Since then I've handled every sort of pain I have in my body with that method.  From acid reflux, to chest pains, to twisted arm, to dental pain, and so forth.  It works for me.  Just LOOK at it, and eventually it goes away.

Anyway, back in the world "out there"...  I believe the same method can work with the "discomforts" our Humanity Body is feeling.  We, as responsible citizens of our respective countries (neuron cells in the brain of the Humanity Body) need to LOOK at the areas of discomfort.  Simply look, become aware the true situation, of the areas where the pain is being felt.  Thanks to the Internet, the facts can be found.  There are sources out there that are trying to bring actual data to the public.  But we need to actively search and learn to discern which are the sources of information and which are just noise.  The organs of the Establishment will never give us the actual truth.  They are in the business of supporting the ruling elite.  This act alone, of becoming aware of the truth, together with our conversation between friends and families, will be a great first step to eliminate those areas of body "discomfort".

While I was composing this message in my head, I realized that not many people have the same point of view as I do.  I don't know of anyone that does, actually.  So it is to be expected that not many people would understand what I'm trying to say.  However, as "luck" would have it (synchronicity?) I just recently ran across the works of Robert David Steele, an ex-Marine and CIA operative with over 30 years of service in the intelligence community, who comes out with similar conclusion but from a completely different point of view, totally pragmatic, experience based insights.  He has come out with excellent and workable ideas.  His latest book is "Open Source Everything Manifesto". 

Now, since he's no namby-pamby-hippy-dippy-flower-child-peacenic like yours truly here, his ideas may be more comprehensible to you. 
Here's a short 6 minute video introducing him.
Here's an article introducing his ideas.

But you still have to look at the situation in reality...  We need to become aware of exactly what is happening.

If we want World Peace, we need to know what is in the Air Traffic Control tapes confiscated by the Kiev government in Ukraine

If we want World Peace, we need to know what is in the 28 classified pages of the 9/11 Commission Report

If we want World Peace, we need to know what is in the confiscated videotapes of the surveillance cameras that caught the airplane crash into the Pentagon

If we want World Peace, we need to know what is in the classified files of the JFK assassination investigation

And so on and so forth... These are just a few of the black secrets that keep infecting our Humanity Body. I'm sure you get what I mean.

Pass the word.  Expand the circle of awareness.



Sunday, August 3, 2014

It is exactly 100 years ago that "The Guns of August" began the "war to end all wars!". 

At that time the ruling elite of each respective country were able to whip up the patriotic emotional fervor of their citizen to willingly go forth and kill their respective perceived "enemies", and also risked being killed in the process, for something that was, apparently, required by the civilized world of that time. 

When the young people marched toward the front with vigor and elan, marching bands blaring heroic music in their ears, fluttering flags all over the place, filling their minds with visions of heroic deeds and great adventure, everyone thought that this was going to be a short (a few weeks perhaps) and decisive war... we now know it was different.  There must have been dissenting voices somewhere in Europe (the US was still isolationist) but those voices were too weak to be heard above the overwhelming noise of the various nations ruling elite beating of the Drums of War.

100 years later, some people with in the present day ruling elite, want to start a war.  They want this war VERY bad, apparently.  They are willing to lie and do all sorts of covert actions to get us in the mood for their war.  To get our emotions in tune with their desire for this war.  In the past century this would have been a "slam dunk!", easy to accomplish.  But today, due to our greater means of communication, they are having a little more difficulty than they expected (I presume).  There are enough people now that know they are lying and are unwilling to drink the "cool-aid" being offered, but there are still too many who have faith in what they are being told.  It is a habit after all.

But there are some who see clearly what is happening.  Here is a link to a statement from an organization of retired intelligence professionals, no namby-pamby-pinko-pacifists here:

American Intelligence Officers Who Battled the Soviet Union for Decades Slam the Flimsy "Intelligence" Against Russia

An opinion about "Washington's Ukrainian Fiasco" from someone who's been in the inside of the Washington Establishment for a long time.

A view from real investigative reporter, Robert Perry, about how the Media has handled the case:
Blaming Russia as "Flat Fact"

Please consider this information, compare it to what you've been getting from the Establishment Media, and make up your mind as to what is happening, then pass the word, talk about it with your friends, family, neighbors.  Just the conscious awareness of this events will improve the chance of preventing this catastrophe from happening.  Remember, we live in Democratic countries, and our silence will be taken as our consent.

God Willing, we will have World Peace sometime soon    :-)   

Our children deserve it.


I'm getting news that "the whole Dutch population" is calling for war.  I hope it's not true and these things I'm hearing are just part of the war mongering propaganda we are being flooded with over here.

I don't know if you are getting any of the "opposing view" of the situation, so here's some of the better articles which I've come across.

There is a group of people who really... Really... REALLY... want to start a war.  But it is not the side we are being told by the commercial media is the aggressor.

Please check the questions that are being posed to Ukrainian government.  There MUST be evidence before judgement is passed and a new war is started.

Here's an article that debunks some of the "evidence" that makes Russian "complicit".

I am conflicted about sending you this information, as you may think that this has nothing to do with you, after all, it is a very unpleasant subject, but it seems evident to me, that we are going through a very troubling time in which our energy (consciousness) as citizens of our respective "democracies" is needed in order to survive in a better more harmonious place.

I don't know what form each of our "involvement" would take, but being aware of the direction into which those who think themselves as leaders of our culture would take us, is a good start.

War is not the answer!

Please, pass the word.

