Sunday, August 3, 2014

I'm getting news that "the whole Dutch population" is calling for war.  I hope it's not true and these things I'm hearing are just part of the war mongering propaganda we are being flooded with over here.

I don't know if you are getting any of the "opposing view" of the situation, so here's some of the better articles which I've come across.

There is a group of people who really... Really... REALLY... want to start a war.  But it is not the side we are being told by the commercial media is the aggressor.

Please check the questions that are being posed to Ukrainian government.  There MUST be evidence before judgement is passed and a new war is started.

Here's an article that debunks some of the "evidence" that makes Russian "complicit".

I am conflicted about sending you this information, as you may think that this has nothing to do with you, after all, it is a very unpleasant subject, but it seems evident to me, that we are going through a very troubling time in which our energy (consciousness) as citizens of our respective "democracies" is needed in order to survive in a better more harmonious place.

I don't know what form each of our "involvement" would take, but being aware of the direction into which those who think themselves as leaders of our culture would take us, is a good start.

War is not the answer!

Please, pass the word.



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