From a variety of trains of thought, political, archeological, physical, historical, biological, financial, astrophysical, and many others, I get the impression that we are at the cusp of a very fundamental change in our way of looking at our world. I hope to be able to make a cartoon story of each one of these lines of thought.
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This one is a cartoon story about what I see happening before my eyes. My family thinks I'm just the victim of a TOO active imagination. But I don't think so. So, I want to provide links to the information that makes me think so.
I am looking forward to your feedback and hope we can have a conversation about what we see happening around us. I am of the thought that we all hold a small part of the truth, and that if we share it, we will become better able to see and understand what is really happening out there.
"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
And on that note,
and to celebrate that birthday,
So here it is. The Further Adventures of Ms Little
1- The Dam is Breaking!!
(These are the "conspiracy theorists" who are not swallowing the official version of reality.)
(this is Ms Little's version of "chopping wood, carrying water")
The institutions that were once meant to protect the health and well being of the citizenry has deteriorated into a cruel method for personal enrichment and abandonment of their duty. Here are some examples of the Revolving Door racket.
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Every time there is a story with information that opposes the veracity of the story that the Establishment wants us to believe, it is immediately slapped with a "conspiracy theory" label which, up until very recently, has been very effective in stopping most people from believing the information.
It has lost its effectiveness (this is why they've introduced the "fake news" as the new threat)
Why did it loose it's effectiveness? Mostly because too many of them turned out to be true :-o
Here's an article with 10 of them.
A web search will bring many more up.
Conspiracy Theory
The label was invented in the CIA to discredit any of the investigators looking into the inconsistencies of the JFK murder report. It has worked very well for many years. But it has lost it's effectiveness. The Internet, with all its drawback and problems, has come to the rescue. It is now possible to check a variety of sources to find the story that fits our reality.
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This is just my impression, that Truth is Real, and has power behind it. This I get from the resent "peasant", "redneck", "deplorables", and other "little peoples" revolts happening all over the world. They are all sticking it to their respective Establishments. To me it simply means that that old and most effective tool of control our "betters" have been using for thousands of years, that is, FEAR, is not working any more. We are looking more around our communities to get a sense of what is happening, what is real, what is true, and relying less on the stories coming from the centralized perception filtering system of the Establishment, better know now-a-days as the Deep State.
Now we have a rudimentary species wide, nervous system in the Internet, and it will keep growing organically to include more and more of the species. Like nodes in the species brain. (but, I digress, this is the subject for a future cartoon)
For now, we can have a reality check with many people around the world. We can not be bamboozled into a war as easily as it has been done in the past several thousands of years. And they seem to be in a panic now that their sure thing is not so sure anymore. The introduction of "Fake News" as a replacement for "Conspiracy Theory" is the latest attempt to keep us from looking around, and it seems to me like an act of desperation.
(I mean... really?... they do expect someone to believe this latest sheep clothing custom stunt? My word! They really are a 'one pony show'.)
With means of communication (perception) that go around the Establishments filtration system, we have a better chance to see other peoples perceptions too, and, I believe, we will be pleasantly surprised, because what we'll find is that
we are all human,
and, given half a chance,
Humans are Beautiful!
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