Sunday, August 3, 2014

It is exactly 100 years ago that "The Guns of August" began the "war to end all wars!". 

At that time the ruling elite of each respective country were able to whip up the patriotic emotional fervor of their citizen to willingly go forth and kill their respective perceived "enemies", and also risked being killed in the process, for something that was, apparently, required by the civilized world of that time. 

When the young people marched toward the front with vigor and elan, marching bands blaring heroic music in their ears, fluttering flags all over the place, filling their minds with visions of heroic deeds and great adventure, everyone thought that this was going to be a short (a few weeks perhaps) and decisive war... we now know it was different.  There must have been dissenting voices somewhere in Europe (the US was still isolationist) but those voices were too weak to be heard above the overwhelming noise of the various nations ruling elite beating of the Drums of War.

100 years later, some people with in the present day ruling elite, want to start a war.  They want this war VERY bad, apparently.  They are willing to lie and do all sorts of covert actions to get us in the mood for their war.  To get our emotions in tune with their desire for this war.  In the past century this would have been a "slam dunk!", easy to accomplish.  But today, due to our greater means of communication, they are having a little more difficulty than they expected (I presume).  There are enough people now that know they are lying and are unwilling to drink the "cool-aid" being offered, but there are still too many who have faith in what they are being told.  It is a habit after all.

But there are some who see clearly what is happening.  Here is a link to a statement from an organization of retired intelligence professionals, no namby-pamby-pinko-pacifists here:

American Intelligence Officers Who Battled the Soviet Union for Decades Slam the Flimsy "Intelligence" Against Russia

An opinion about "Washington's Ukrainian Fiasco" from someone who's been in the inside of the Washington Establishment for a long time.

A view from real investigative reporter, Robert Perry, about how the Media has handled the case:
Blaming Russia as "Flat Fact"

Please consider this information, compare it to what you've been getting from the Establishment Media, and make up your mind as to what is happening, then pass the word, talk about it with your friends, family, neighbors.  Just the conscious awareness of this events will improve the chance of preventing this catastrophe from happening.  Remember, we live in Democratic countries, and our silence will be taken as our consent.

God Willing, we will have World Peace sometime soon    :-)   

Our children deserve it.



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