Friday, September 22, 2017

Can we just get along?

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When the Europeans landed in the Norther parts of the American continent, they arrived in a land populated by many different Indian nations.  Because of their strategic location between the English and French settlers, the Iroquois Confederacya 5 tribe group organization that had been living in peace and harmony for over 200 years already, the Iroquois became well know and respected by English government officials.  There were around 5,500 people that lived in a prosperous land, with no poverty, no police force, and no jails. They are the ones that taught the Europeans how they could become strong if they united, the 13 colonies, into one nation.  Benjamin Franklin and other Founding Fathers of our republic were inspired by the Iroquois form of government.   (For an excellent introduction to this subject check out this free online book The Forgotten Founders)

This is the first page of a series exploring this forgotten story.  Perhaps we can still learn something relevant to our troubled times from this ancient culture.

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