most succinct example of why we need a new KIND of money.
I ran across a
series of videos and web pages that can be used as a clear example of
what has gone wrong with our economic system and why a change is
to our
continued survival
in my first video I was worried about what would happen to the
factory workers of the shaving blade makers if the majority of people
adapted the practice of sharpening their own razorblades instead of
buying new ones, the change of status of this article would bring
about an enormous improvement in the well being of literally millions
of people around the world, and at the same time terminate the jobs
of hundreds of thousands of people.
can this be?!
like in my first video, something that is good for me, you and the
environment, the place that makes possible for all of us to “pursue
happiness”, is bad for the “economy”.
a rational being, THIS does not make sense at all!
commodity in question has been used for hundreds, even thousands, of
years by just about every culture, including our own, for it's
medical and utilitarian properties, yet, we can not use it because,
despite all the seemingly logical (and misleading) reasons given by our current
opinion leaders, it would upset our economic system.
guess as to what this item is?
give you some clues. It has been used for centuries as an effective
medicine for a multitude of ailments and recently a series of
university studies have demonstrated it's effectiveness, including in
the treatment of brain and many other forms of cancer (Really.
Documentation is given below) It can be used to manufacture hundreds of different
products including paper, textiles, construction materials, and
plastics, eliminating much of the need to use petroleum products. It
is a biological agent which can be grown in poor soil, without need
for fertilizers or pesticides. It would be a perfect source for bio-fuels, eliminating the dilemma of “food vs. fuel” posed by
this industry, and it has many other beneficial uses.
item in question is Cannabis, in both forms, Sativa (industrial hemp)
and Indica (marijuana). You can find all the basic information for
these two forms in:
Medical Cannabis
Industrial Hemp
is an article on BBC News about cannabis stop breast cancer from spreading
is a PBS video program exploring the situation “Clearing the Smoke”
one hour film from a Canadian who got cured from cancer himself, then
got convicted for promoting medical marijuana, “Run from the Cure”
an article about a Harvard study “Marijuana
cuts lung cance tumor growth”
a study in the PubMed.gov website about the details
of how it happens (it's
just the abstract of the study)
more studies in this government site PubMed.gov
is the video that got me looking into this situation An
illegal cancer cure
It is a short 15 minute video that has
all the points needed to convince you that the status quo is wrong.
the hyperbole and sensationalism and the essence of the story is
correct. Just because it is not patentable, there is no big money in
it, a perfectly viable, cheap and effective cure to
cancer (and other ailments) is being ignored, and not only that, it
is being made illegal with dire consequences for it's use.
can this be? How can this be allowed to exist! We live in
democracies where we acknowledge that the Creator has given us
certain rights that can not be taken away by those appointed, by us,
to govern our countries. Why can't we use this form of medicine?
one of the school of thought that believes that intellectual
knowledge of something does not improve our state of awareness,
consciousness, so I want to ask you to do an experiment that may
help. It'll take only a couple of seconds:
your eyes closed pinch your arm will ALL you might, so that it hurts
as much as you can stand, even if tears come to your eyes. Go ahead,
do it. This post will still be here.
you do it? Come on! Don't be chicken. You'll survive. OK? Pinch
yourself as hard as you can stand it, and then even more!
that sensation you are feeling, as bad as it is, multiply it a few
hundred times and you can begin to imagine what some of these cancer
patients are feeling, right now, as you are reading this words. Be
thankful for your blessings and pray you are not given that burden to
bear (if you are burdened thus, I'm sorry, and I hope something can
be done to help you, soon).
having this awareness now, I'll ask again, how can this be allowed to
happen? It is OUR country for chrissake! All in order to keep the
“economy” going?
those who come up with moralistic “slippery slop”, “gateway
drug”, health concerns, etc., for making Cannabis illegal, I can
tell you all that claptrap is just smoke and mirrors to distract us
from the fact that money is the only reason this plant is in the
present legal condition and we can have a hint about this reality by
the example of another drug that is showing great promise to be a
cure for cancer but the pharmaceutical companies are not interested
because it is available everywhere and not patentable. Here is a
short 12 minute video about it:
reports about DCA were made in 2007. Looking up the current status
of the research I found the latest press release (May 12, 2010) in
News about the successful conclusion of a study with 5 patients
four of the glioblastoma patients, researchers saw no further brain
cancer growth 15 months after initial treatment. Follow-up studies on
cells taken from these patients showed that DCA killed cancer cells.”
(mind you, the survival rate for this type of cancer is 14 to 16
months) I've not gotten a response to my inquiry about the present
status of the research. (I'll post it when I get it).
I'll go back to my original concern. IF this plant was to change
legal status and DCA became available for use, what would happen to
all those people working in the pharmaceutical industry? What about
all health industry personnel treating cancer patients? What about
all the prison guards if all the drug offenders were let loose? And
what will the newly freed people do? (at least now they are getting
cheap “room and board”).
What if peace broke out and there was no need for all the military
forces? What would all those people do to make a living? AND...
what about all the profit the banks are making by laundering
the drug money? (See what I mean about “what is good for
me, you and the Earth is not good for the “economy”? Don't you
just get the impression that there is something deeply insane
in what is going on?)
does the above information convince you that we NEED a new KIND of
would it look like? How would it work? Well, "Sacred
Economics: Money,
Gift & Society in the Age of Transition"
points out one possibility, but there are others like the Gross
National Happiness index
being used by the kingdom of Bhutan.
There are probably others.
the word.
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